Rail Transport

Rail Transport

Connection between Europe and Asia

The rail transport service (RAIL Train/Railway) can represent an efficient, safe solution for importing goods from China, and can be very useful for companies that require reliability and speed.

It is an interesting alternative to sea shipments and air shipments, especially compared to the changing international market scenarios.

Furthermore, transport by train/railway is the best solution in terms of environmental impact, as it contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions into the air.

Trasporto ferroviario - import export

The consolidation/routing terminals are located in the central-eastern part of China. From there two routings can be used. The first passes north, crossing Mongolia and Siberia, to arrive in Moscow, Belarus and finally enters Poland. The second passes further south, within Chinese territory, then passing to Khazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and finally joins the other in Poland. Within the EU there are various different routings that can be used, but at the moment the most used is the passage through the terminals of Hamburg, Liège and finally Milan.

Departure terminals and routings may vary based on circumstances to ensure service.

It is possible to request quotations for both complete and groupage cargoes also for China train export

The characteristics of our rail transport service are:

F&R - spedizioni estere

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